Sunday, April 14, 2024

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Avoid letting long-term care disputes tear your family apart

At some point, a switch occurs. Adult children become the caretakers and decision-makers when aging parents need care. This role swapping can be gradual or catch everyone by surprise. When life-altering decisions are left to chance, finances can be ruined and families torn apart. In “How Not To Tear Your Family Apart,” extended and long-term care expert Carroll S. Golden lays the groundwork for proactive planning steps to make caring for a loved one an easier process.

Are your parents prepared for aging? Did they make caretaking plans for when it becomes necessary? Or are they leaving that up to you to figure out? Many families don’t even know the answers to these questions. Adult children can be afraid to hear the answers, while aging parents prefer to avoid discussions that could impact their independence. The result is often a stressful situation filled with fear, procrastination, conflict and confusion.

Extended and long-term care expert Carroll S. Golden hopes to keep families from fighting about this all-too-common problem with her book, “How Not To Tear Your Family Apart: 3 Simple Steps to Start Critical Conversations and Help Your Family and Aging Parents Plan a Financially Stable Future.” Here she helps families find a path that doesn’t destroy relationships or create financial havoc.

Each of the three simple steps outlined in “How Not to Tear Your Family Apart” is designed to kickstart conversations. Lists, links, and references are included as well as a realistic action plan to help families create a financially stable strategy for themselves and their loved ones. By creating a fictional family story, Carroll Golden plots out practical actions to take while addressing the human side and the emotions that arise with the inevitable life changes that come along as we age.

About the Author
A resident of Tampa, Florida, Carroll S. Golden, CLU, ChFC, LTCP, CASL, FLMI, CLTC, LACP has devoted over two decades to the field of extended and long-term care planning. She is the executive director of NAIFA Limited and Extended Care Planning Center. Golden has broadened her knowledge of the subject with executive positions at both advisor and agent distribution firms and corporate insurance carriers.

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